If You Blinked You Might Have Missed This

I’m beyond humbled by my amazing guests who have shared their insights so generously. My podcast, Hourly to Exit, literally shot out of the gate. So much so that I have decided to slow it down!

We’ve released an episode per week for the last eight weeks and received great feedback. I’m happy to say that we dig deep and discover new territory in each episode. The problem—providing enough time between episodes to explore the new territory.

And when I look at what is in the can and planned for the rest of the year—literal 🔥:

  • Answers to all of your questions about trademarks.

  • Maximizing the value of your online community as an asset.

  • SOPs!

  • Showing up as your authentic self in professional settings.

  • A veritable tutorial on Web 3.0 (I finally understand what NFTs and blockchain are!). And more….

So, going forward, the cadence of releases will be biweekly, starting with the next episode. To make sure you didn’t miss any of the goodness from the first several episodes, here are some excerpts. You don’t want to miss these.

Ep 1 Will Your Business Be Ready to Sell When You Are Ready to Exit?

“I want you to be prepared to take advantage of opportunities that are presented to you. I want you to build a business that you love, that supports your values and your goals for yourself, for your family and for your community.”

Ep 2 How to Flip the Script on Your Mindset Blocks [Mindset] with Jaclyn Mellone

“Part of what I like to work with women about is identifying the legacy that they want to leave. And that's another way of looking at, in order to have impact, you have to take some chances and you have to take some bold actions. And those are the kinds of things that create these mindset issues that we need to push through. And so that would be keeping your eye on the prize when you know, this is who I want to be and this is the legacy I want to leave. When you have that clear in your head, that makes decisions easier. It doesn't mean it's without risk, but it just seems clearer.”

Ep 3 The Fundamentals of Selling a Service-Based Business [Exit Planning] with Kate Vriner

“That is one of the first conversations I have with my sellers is you tell me the good, the bad and the ugly. I don't care what it is. We are going to figure out how to frame the narrative. We are disclosing because we don't want it discovered during that due diligence period, because we don't want the buyer to walk away or try and reduce the price.”

Ep 4 What is the Revolution You Want to Lead? [Authority Building] with Rochelle Moulton

“I put the clients and buyers first, because the question I ask about them is who energizes and inspires you? And when you start with that revolution, so what's the mission that inspires you and then then who are the people that you want to help that, you know, you're excited about serving them because you're going to have tough days. Let's make this about the mark we really want to leave on the planet. And when you get to that, then the niching becomes a little bit easier, right? Because you have your area of expertise. And so then you have to figure out, alright, what is this revolution? Who are my ideal clients and buyers, or clients or buyers depending on what you're offering? And then how do I actually apply the services, the things that I'm good at to help them get to this revolutionary state?”

Ep 5 The Benefits of Licensing Your Expertise [Asset Building]

“The thing about including a trademark with a license is you don't want to have an accidental franchise. And an accidental franchise happens when you think you're just doing a license or more likely a certification (the certification usually has some parameters around how you deliver that service), and when you combine a trademark with a license with some measure of control, then you slip into franchise territory. And so depending on the nature of the license, you may or may not want to include that trademark. The risk of slipping into the accidental franchise is if there is a great deal of control about how your licensees use the materials and the other is if the majority of her income is going to come from that license.”

Ep 6 How to Niche Down Your Expertise Business [Authority] with Alastair McDermott

“I know that even if you don't intend to do so, planning as if you were going to sell your business can be a very, very positive thing for your business because you can put processes in place that allow you to kind of disengage and disconnect from the hourly rate, which is what you're talking about as well.”

Ep 7 How Thought Leadership Powers You and Your Business [Authority Building] with Carol Cox

“Thought leadership is not about having all the answers. It's about asking bigger questions - bigger questions of ourselves and bigger questions of our audiences. We can think of them as 'why' questions. Why are things the way they are? Why are these best practices in our industry? Why are there these gaps in our industry? What can we do about it?”

Ep 8 Making Your Purpose The Foundation of Your Strategy [Predictability] with Katie Burkhart

“Nobody likes costs. But when we start thinking about it as an investment, now you're thinking like a purpose driven business. You're making money because it's a resource. How are you going to invest it? What's the point of investing it there? How is it going to help to move us forward?”

Ep 9 How to Create Learning Experiences that Transform Your Clients [Asset Building] with Manja Horner

“I try to think of how can I be an owner? My intellectual property is captured and leveraged by other people who are actually better at it than me, who are better at selling it than me.”

​Many thanks for all of your support.

There are other intriguing ways to create leverage using your expertise. Interested? Let's chat.


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