IP In Haiku

IP can be

A mystery. Do you own…

What you think you own?

You know intellectual property (IP) and contracts are essential elements to smart growth, but you aren't sure where to start. In other words, you don’t know what you don’t know.

Join me for an “Ask Erin” call, where we spend 60-90 minutes solving a thorny problem, calming fears of the unknown, or shining light in the dark corners of contracts and intellectual property.

What can get done in 90 minutes? A lot. For example, we can tick any one of the following off of your to-do list by the end of the call:

  • Audit an executed services agreement to make sure you understand exactly what you signed and what your rights and obligations are.

  • Redline an NDA provided by your client so that your rights to use your expertise are protected.

  • Review a certification program agreement to detail any restrictions on your reuse of their materials.

  • Determine whether your expertise can be registered for copyright protection.

  • Have a private intellectual property tutorial.

  • Answer the questions you were afraid to ask during a LinkedIn Live or webinar.

  • Have an "Is There a Rembrandt in Your Attic?" session.

  • Review the terms and conditions of a course platform like Teachable or Sales Gravy to make sure you don't sign anything that will limit your growth potential.

These are examples only.

Reach out with questions.




Protecting Your Ideas


A Cautionary Tale