IP is Fuel 🚀

Can you believe it's been three years since I started this newsletter? Time flies when you're having fun, right?

When I first began writing, I had grand plans to cover sooooo many topics within the broad, mostly academic category “intellectual capital” – hence the call to think beyond IP. Turns out pretty much no one out there in readerland found that fascinating.😅 But as they say, the best-laid plans often take unexpected turns. Finding my groove has been a delightful challenge.

I realized I don't need to cover everything. You come to me for one thing—using intellectual property (IP) to turn your expertise into new scalable revenue streams. So, here's the game plan for 2024–focusing on my three-step framework (yes, I know it needs a name; suggestions welcome) to creating a scalable expertise-based business:

🚀Step 1: Audit

Let's take stock of your business’ assets. Yes, even as a services provider you have assets. Your assets are things that provide value to your client. What do your clients pay you for? Your time is valuable, but the tools and templates and research and your expertise are all assets. We start with an audit of your business to ensure you own and control these revenue-generating gems.

🚀Step 2: Protect

Next up, protection, which comes in two key forms: copyright protection and contracts. Copyright protection safeguards your assets from being copied without your permission. Think of it as a shield for your training materials, videos, and more. And contracts--those unsung heroes--ensure you control and get paid for your IP's use.

🚀Step 3: Leverage

Leverage is the ultimate goal. Efficiently delivering services, bundling offers, and exploring one-to-several or one-to-many products are all ways we can work to increase your income and your impact without increasing your time. But remember, to legally offer one-to-many or one-to-several products, you must own or control the intellectual property rights in the materials.

What to Expect in 2024 👀

Every week, expect content, training, and products tailored for experts with corporate clients who want to create a scalable expertise-based business.

IP is Fuel!🚀



READY, SET, AUDIT: Part 1 of the “Audit + Protect = Leverage” Equation for turning Expertise Into Recurring Revenue


OMG! It's 2024!