The Joy of Contracts

I’m busy working on my vow to “Do Less Better” in 2023. A big part of that will be streamlining my content generation—as they say “renew, recycle, reuse.”

I have a body of unpublished work that, to my chagrin, goes all the way back to 2014. Some of it I read and think, “meh.” Some I read and think, “hmm, I really had something here!”

Today I dug up something from 2016 that I quite like. It coincides with the first time I thought about adding an IP-based revenue stream to my law practice to reduce my reliance on one-on-one work.

I no longer remember what the offer was going to be. But after not thinking about this idea for many years and definitely not remembering it as I have started my current pivot, I was pleasantly surprised to see that my heart has remained true. Here is what I was working on:

I never finished the SECOND and THIRD steps, but I had just read Essentialism by Greg McKeown and his influence is evident in my notes:

These days, my mission is to turn every business into a mission-driven business by creating a more inclusive economy so I no longer focus on working strictly with mission-driven businesses. However, the Essentials remain truer than ever for any contract negotiation. By keeping the main thing the main thing, you too can find joy in contracts.


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