Are You Losing Control of Your IP by Writing Articles for Publications?

In my latest LinkedIn Live, "Are You Losing Control of Your IP by Writing Articles for Publications?", I had a rollicking conversation with Erica Holthausen, who helps experts build their reputation and become a recognized authority in their field by writing articles for industry trade journals, associations, and business magazines.

As you can imagine, we are the perfect pair to answer questions about protecting your intellectual property when writing articles for publications.

On the one hand, the drum I beat daily is the importance of owning and controlling intellectual property. After all, it is the prerequisite to scaling your B2B expertise-based business.

On the other hand, Erica’s mantra is “Your Perspective Is Your Differentiator. Share It.” She advocates writing articles for high-visibility publications that (sometimes) includes giving them rights to your IP for free.

How to reconcile the two?

Listen to the entire conversation here: 🔗

Here is a sneak peek:

Copyright Transfer Agreements:

When writing for publications, you may be asked to sign a copyright transfer agreement that grants rights in your IP to the publication. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Read the agreement carefully before signing.

  • Understand the difference between licensing rights and transferring ownership.

  • Be aware that some agreements may ask for more rights than the publication actually needs.

  • Don't be afraid to negotiate terms.

Examples of Copyright Transfer Agreements

Fair Agreements:

  • Allow the author to retain the copyright.

  • Grant a license to the publication for specific uses only.

  • Ensure the author is always credited.

Aggressive Agreements:

  • Ask for copyright ownership of the article. Lock up rights to create derivative works.

  • Provide no guarantee of author credit.

  • Last, but not least, remember that most editors are acting in good faith and may not have scrutinized the agreement themselves. Don’t let an aggressive agreement interfere with your relationship with the editor.

Your unique perspective is your differentiator – share it wisely!

IP is fuel. 🚀



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