Understanding Shadow AI: What's Lurking in Your Productivity Tools?

We rely on software every day to boost productivity, but have you ever wondered what’s happening behind the scenes?

The rise of Shadow AI—AI integrated into software without our full awareness—raises questions we all need to consider.

Take Otter.ai, for example. It’s great for note-taking, but did you know that it uses your recordings to train its AI models?

Otter.ai de-identifies user data so that an individual user cannot be identified; however, it’s still using the content to train their model. 😬

Think about the last time you used Otter.ai. What juicy information did you add to their training data?

Here’s what you can do to stay safe:

  1. Review Terms of Use: Make sure you know how your data is being handled.

  2. Choose Secure Tools: Opt for platforms that don’t use your data for training.

  3. Be Transparent with Clients: If using AI tools, ensure your clients are aware.

  4. Avoid AI Tools for Sensitive Info: Don’t use AI-powered tools when discussing trade secrets or highly confidential matters.

As AI continues to creep into our daily tools, it’s essential to stay informed and protect your data. 🛡️

IP is fuel. 🚀


P.S. Did you miss my LinkedIn Live on this topic? Catch the recording here!


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