
It is that time of year again. When the excitement—both good and bad—of growing a business catches up with us. Combine that with heading into the holiday season, where our thoughts naturally become reflective.

Did I meet my goals, personally and professionally?

Personally and professionally, I am just this side of exhausted. 😅

2022 has been filled with some amazing milestones. I started a newsletter. I leaped before I looked with my podcast. And I found the courage to niche down to my sweet spot—turning expertise into licensable intellectual property.

The final push of the year will be my free Masterclasswhere we cover the ABCs of that process (you can read more about it below).

My hope for myself and for you (if needed) is taking the time for some serious R&R.

My inspirations are several women in my orbit who are being intentional about putting their businesses on pause to truly renew, refresh and reconnect with loved ones. Two weeks off, a month off (one woman is taking the entire Q4 off from client work!).

That stepping back for two to four weeks feels like such a luxury is a sign that I still have work to do in my business. For this year, I will consider a solid week a win.

What are your plans for winding down the year?​

Join my Free Masterclass

On November 16 at 2 pm ET, join me for a 50-minute (including time for Q&A) masterclass where we will discuss:

• How to identify sources of IP-based revenue (even if you don’t think you have any in your business)

• The 3-part strategy for creating a new IP-based revenue stream

• The step-by-step legal roadmap to creating, protecting and monetizing IP

You can sign up here.


Drop and Give Me 20


Is working less and making more on your to do list for 2023?