Protecting Your Expertise from the Devil You Know

There is a lot of chatter about copyright bandits 🦸🏽‍♀️ stealing entire websites. Sure, it does happen. As does getting struck by lightning.

The far greater threat to your expertise—YOU. If you aren’t using contracts correctly.

Copyright Registration: The First Line of Defense

For the bad actors out there who are copying your work without permission, you are protected by US copyright laws. By registering your most valuable content (I call them “your money makers”) with the US Copyright Office, you get the additional benefits of:

  • Access to federal court to file a lawsuit to enforce your rights against an infringer.

  • Evidence of ownership that you are the owner of the work, which can quash any disputes swiftly.

  • Putting the world on notice that you own the work and take your rights seriously.

  • Statutory damages. They provide a simpler, less costly route to financial remedies and act as strong deterrents to potential infringers. Depending on the severity of the infringement and the infringer’s intent, damages can range from $200 to $150,000 per work infringed.

Contracts: The Unsung Heroes

While copyright registration protects against infringers, experts lose control of their IP – EVERY DANG DAY – by failing to use contracts or failing to understand the contracts they sign with their clients and contractors. When you give your rights away, whether intentionally or unintentionally, copyright registration isn’t going to save you. Ignoring the power of contracts is a self-inflicted wound.

  • Client Agreements: Make sure they explicitly state that you retain rights to any pre-existing materials you bring into a project.

  • Contractor Agreements: Always have a written and signed agreement. This ensures you own anything created for you.

Securing your intellectual property through copyrights and contracts is Protection 101. No protection, no leverage.

IP is Fuel 🚀



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