Ep. 18- Linkedin Live: Can I Use That? Guidelines for Using Third Party Materials in Your Content


When it comes to copyright, there are a few rules that can make all the difference between scaling your business and getting tripped up by the counterintuitive rules of intellectual property law. You need to know who owns what, who has what usage rights, and what the consequences of misappropriation might be. This episode was recorded as a LinkedIn Live, which I hold the last Wednesday of the month at 11 am ET (check out my YouTube channel if you want the full version with slides) and covers how to create, protect, and maximize your copyright assets. Among the questions I answer:

We’ll cover:

  • What does having an employee or contractor have to do with copyright? (A lot.)

  • If you create something for a client, who owns the IP? (A lawyerly, “it depends.”)

  • Are there magic words to clarify copyrights? (You bet there are!)

  • When someone else owns the copyright, can you use it? (Don’t count on it.)

Connect with Erin to strategize how you might use an online community to help make your business scalable and saleable. hourlytoexit.com/podcast.

Erin's LinkedIn Page: www.linkedin.com/in/erinaustin/

Think Beyond IP YouTube Page: www.youtube.com/channel/UCVztXnDYnZ83oIb-EGX9IGA/videos

Favorite Excerpt


 As always, podcast episodes provide general information only.  So if you have specific copyright questions, I strongly urge you to consult with your IP attorney. If you aren’t sure where to start, contact me for a consultation.

Music credit: Yes She Can by Tiny Music

A Podcast Launch Bestie production

For a full transcription of this episode, click here.



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