The Benefits of Licensing Your Expertise [Asset Building]


There are a couple of key elements to creating a business that can be sold: exclusivity and predictability. Exclusivity means that you have assets that you own 100%, and you have your unique position in the market. Predictability means that the buyer needs to be sure that the business will continue to prosper after it changes hands.

Licensing hits all of those markers. A license is a grant of rights from the creator of the intellectual property asset to the user of that asset. 

In this episode we talk about ways in which licensing can be a powerful tool to make your business scalable and saleable.

In This Episode, We’ll Cover:

  • Converting a business from you being the expert in your business to a business that runs based on your expertise

  • Reliable positive cash flow from licensing fees

  • Grow without hiring more experts

  • Is licensing right for your business?

Connect with Erin and find the resources mentioned in this episode at

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Music credit: Yes She Can by Tiny Music

A Podcast Launch Bestie production



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